Sunday, May 16, 2010

It is a striptease show, right?

Okay, hopefully my stomach problem is solved for a while.
Okay, so the Kevin pics - sexy or what?!
He's so yummy it's unreal.
Hubba - giggity!
I'd love to see the Glee tour.
Mm... seeing Kevin in person with my very own eye.
It is a striptease show, right?

I've been watching the special features on That 70s Show DVDs.
Damn, how lucky are all of those people?
There will never be a show like that ever again.
It's just one of a kind miracle of sincerity, wholeness and attunement.
I'm so super jealous of all the people who ever worked on the show.
Well, excluding Jessica Simpson and Lindsay Lohan. Erm...that's pretty self-explanatory.
Laura Prepon is so good. Totally role model material.
So is Claire Danes.
Well, she's not on the show, but I do admire her.

Yeah...that's about it.
I'm not eating again so...the antidepressants make me really tired and sleepy....Zzzz...

Oh and I want to get a new skin for the blog. Don't really like the one I have now.

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