Monday, May 03, 2010

just the regular "what are you up to?"

I've got to get out of the house.
I've been working on a new look for my forum non-stop for a few days.
Everybody's gone so I have no one to hang out with.

It's some sort of a holiday today again.
Bank holiday.
My doctor's not working today, so I cannot get the cert for social welfare.
That means no money til Friday.
Which means no psychologist on Tuesday.

I have to spare a fiver for phone credit to ring the psychologist tomorrow and tell her I'm too poor to see her.
I'm not in a hurry to see her anyway.
I have to write a story about my phobia for her.
I really don't want to do it, it's just too gross.
I don't even want think about my phobia, let alone write a detailed story about it.
I told her I'm not making any promises but I will try and write the story.

Anyway, the lack of money might buy me some time to write the thing.
And I have a psychiatrist appoitment this week aswell.
More antidepressants - woohoo!
They do make me quite happy and healthy, so I don't want to stop taking them just yet.

Hmmh, oh I just remembered I think the holiday is something to do with World War 1.
I don't know anything about history since I slept through most of the classes in school, but Colette told me something like it in the morning.

I sent a text to my "bf" yesterday, just the regular "what are you up to?".
Got a reply today.
Damn, it's making me nervous and anxious.
I still don't know what to do with him.
When he's not around I'm happy being single, but when he's around I feel like being with him.


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