Sunday, May 23, 2010

Let's go over to the sidewalk... footpath.

Oh dang, dang, dang it!
I sooo want to be better at violin.
It doesn't even look that hard, but my fingers just won't do what I want them to do.
I really got to start practicing.
Well, half of the household is home now, so... I wasted all the time I could have practiced alone.

Yeah, I tried to sunbathe for about 20 minutes but the sun was too hot.
Came inside. Did nothing.
I took a shower earlier.
Put some lotion on, the one that gradually builds a tan.
Before bed I'll put the fake tan on top of it.
So hopefully I'll be all nice and toasty-looking tomorrow.

The last two evenings I've been feeling like poop, so I've been watching stuff a lot.
Mainly That 70s Show stuff.
I watched the earlier seasons on internet.
I only have the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.
Oh, how sad was it when Kelso and Jackie broke up!
Kelso's a wreck.
Ahh, when I get money I'll buy all the seasons.

Right, if I remember correctly I mentioned this next man in my very first post on blogspot.
He's like super good.
He does lots roll-like stuff which I like.
The Lady GaGa cover is really amazing and I really like the Trust song so, it's all brilliant!

Oh and I cooked this mad lunch/dinner.
Two chicken breasts with chargrilled flavour seasoning, chicken seasoning.
An omelette - 2 eggs, packet of mushrooms, 1 tomato, some grated cheese.
Boiled rice.
Tomato, cucumber salad with sour cream.
Plus a drink of Exotic Fanta mixed with Tesco vanilla ice cream.

Yeah and out on a walk the other day, me and K got talking about British and American English.
All that because I said, "Let's go over to the sidewalk."
I think British word for sidewalk is er... footpath? It was some other word anyway.

Yeah and I'll try out for another extra part.
They're looking for sick looking young women.
They have to be skinny and bald.
I thought I could fit into the skinny requirement,but yeah as I've said before,
my ass is nothing but skinny. :D

And, yay, I have a new follower: Social Dullard
And to the ones who have unfollowed, bye bye.

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