Thursday, May 06, 2010


 This was supposed to be posted two days ago, but I had some difficulties

Okay, hopefully things aren't as terrible as they seem right now.
Yeah, so...whatever.

I'm getting kind of worried about my computer.
It's making weird noises and switching itself off.
I really cannot afford to get it looked at or fixed so hopefully it'll last for a while.

Hmh, something happened to my left elbow yesterday.
Think there's fluid in there, it's kind of swollen and really sore.
Think there's something wrong with the funny bone.
I'll get the pharmacist to have a look at it when I go to get my antidepressants later.
I put some ice on it last night, but it felt like I was gonna get frostbite, so... I decided against it.

And I woke up with terrible leg ache this morning.
I've had those since ... ever since I can remember myself.
The doctors always said it's growing pains, but I'm a bit too old for that now.
Or I dunno, maybe I'm shrinking by now.
Pain and fluid in joints doesn't sound like growing pains to me, but what do I know I'm not a doctor.
Those people are so clever and competent that it's a miracle there's still sick people in the world.

Oh well, if my computer let's me I'll be playing the sims.
Then go get the social welfare cert.

Oh and... I was gonna do it when I'm in better mood, but whatever, I have two more followers, making in 13 in total: Ingrid Mehide and Clairezy018

Oh and I talked to my mother today.
First time in about a year.
Was okay.
One of the most normal things about my mother is that she's a cat person.
They got a dog though, think I said that before.
She said she doesn't like dogs, but she didn't want to get another cat cause the last one that died was still on her mind. She said she buried the cat under and oak tree in the front yard and she won't let anyone run on her grave. The cat, named Pätsu, was a present from my mother for my 11th birthday.
My mum worked in a bakery at the time and they had stray cats running all over the place.
The company called in the... the people who put down stray animals, cause it's unsanitary when the cats are running all over the machines and other places where the bread is held.
Apparently most cats in there had short tails cause they had caught them in the machines.

My mother had her eye on this little kitten and she wanted to save it from those cat killers.
So she brought the kitty home.
In a box.
I heard it meaowing and when I opened the box I saw her big eyes staring back at me.
Yeah and then she jumped out the box and started panicking all over the place.
Running around like crazy.
She hid behind the fridge.
Stayed there for a few days.
We put some food and water  on the floor.
She wouldn't touch the food but the water was gone.
Anyway, I kind of wanted to have a better look at my birthday present so one day I pulled her out.
She was very very skinny and dirty. And smelly. She smelled of grease or butter.
We had this little dark press kind of thing in one corner of the kitchen so I put her in there.
I started taking her out of there and getting familiar with her and she calmed down.

Anyway about 12, 13 years on, she died.


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