Saturday, May 29, 2010

To the people who look for sicky stomach remedies

Yeah, I'm rading my own blog.
I haven't been on internet that much so when I do get on it I go a bit mad.
Anyway, what was I gonna say?
Maybe the people won't come back to my blog, but I saw a few people find my blog while googling pantup, ulcid and gaviscon aswell.

Well, sorry to hear you have to look up such things.
From my experience gaviscon and zoton are crap.
Maybe if you have a mild one off thing they work but other than that, they're rubbish.
As for Ulcid and Pantup, well apparently Pantup is a "knock off" of Ulcid.
Pantup worked a whole lot better for me.
I think they're supposed to make you feel a bit sick in the stomach or give you diarrhea, but I was fine. Eventually. I've had to take one other of the PPI tablets, but can't remember the name.
Pantup has been the best for me.

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