Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I don't like people who are all business,

Well, had to get up early today.
About half ten.
Went to visit a woman I used to work with.
She's Lithuanian. Very nice.
Had a little chit chat.
Oh my, she has a kitten!
I've wanted a cat for so long and now I got to see one cute little one.
The woman got the kitten for her 4 year old daughter's birthday.

She said she's been looking for about two months for someone to go swimming with.
I agreed straight away.
I'll be going back to her place later on today.
She's doing some business and there'll be a another woman there aswell doing the business.
Plus she works at the hotel where we want to go swimming so we can ask her stuff.

I'm not sure if I've given out about that before, in my blog like, but I don't like people who are all business.
I like humanity in people.
Like the woman I saw today, I'll call her G from now on, she said the managers at the workplace were so pissed off with the women who are pregnant. Like, whatever.
I've talked about pregnancy quite a bit with the girls from my house and loads of women have had miscarriages recently, well the women who know people who know people I know and so on.
And to think some absolutely extraneous people come and get pissed off and give out to you about something that just isn't their problem.
I know the women have to go on maternity leave and the business will need someone to cover them but it's so not a matter of giving out to people.

Anyways, "bf" just texted, wants to come over to play badminton.
Right, I'm off so.

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