Monday, June 28, 2010

I know what I thought and I said it. And I acted that way

Okay, I'm sure I pissed someone off yesterday, but what can I do.
Like, I said he can come over for a little while, just for a walk.
So he came over. For 4 hours.
I've never spend that much time with anyone in one go.
So what's there to be pissed off about?
And I very clearly said, several times, that when I'm in my house I want to be alone and that I'll be playing the sims.
When I let him come around I don't mean it in let's-shag-all-day kind of way.
When I say a little walk, I mean a 40 minute walk or so and that's all, nothing else.
It's not my problem what he thinks, I know what I thought and I said it.
And I acted that way, if he got pissed off it's his own fault for not listening to me.

Anyway, just got a text off my landlord.
He will be coming over later on.
I hope it's not for rent cause I don't even have money for food.
I only have 30 euro for the next10 days.
Then hopefully I will get some money.
Not this week, but the week after, on Thursday I'm seeing the man about my money business.
He said he's gonna have to pay me some money til Social gets sorted.

The someone who got pissed off yesterday said I can ask him for money if I'm stuck.
But there's no I'll do it.
I don't want to owe him anything.

Dunno how it works out.

Anyways, I had to replay some bits in my sims game cause just as I got it working it fucked up again.
And I finally decorated the house properly.
Well almost.
Some rooms look weird, but... meh.

Erm... yeah, that's all.
It's raining today. Boo!

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