Saturday, July 10, 2010

if I do then I won't

So tired.
Spent most of the day "na datchu".
Think it's correct.
Yeah, I was weeding all day.
I only got one bed done.
It was like a jungle, seriously.
I thought Robin Williams will hop out any second.

My back's pretty tanned now, but legs are still white.
I tried just tanning my legs but yeah doesn't work like that.

I started reading a book on ecology today.
Very interesting, totally something I wanna do.
Will write down more important things.

Oh and I found a saying - "bed hop".
I love it!
I gotta start bed hopping. :D
Haven't met any men over here yet.
Well, mostly cause I don't know hwo things are with me and the "bf".
It would be kind of weird having him come over in August when I have a new man.
I just have to wait.

Right, I gotta go and take a shower again, cause I'm in a very bad state.
Dirt, dirty, dirty.

Oh and I might go down to Tartu tomorrow if I feel like it.
Health wise.
The bus goes at 8 in the morning so... if I don't freak out I'll go, if I do then I won't.

If I do go though then I'll be staying with my mum.
And they have this little lake about 5 mins away from their house.
So I can stay at the beach all day and swim. And sunbathe.

Yeah, shower now and then read my ecology book.

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