Friday, July 09, 2010

All summery

I went gathering strawberries today.
It was around noon time so it was well hot.
Gahh, those bastard flies and mosquitoes.
They pissed me off so much what with the flying in my face and the biting me.

Anyway, it was me and IR.
And the field was some old lady's.
My clothes actually had wet patches on them cause I was sweating so much.

Then I looked at all the courses I'll be applying for.
Dang, I don't know how to apply.
That damn SAIS thing isn't working for me.

Then a few hours ago we went weeding in our own garden.
I love weeding.
I did potatoes and onions.
The problem was though that half of the garden was in shade cause the sun started to set.
I know it was a problem in the morning, that the sun's hot that is, but I'd rather it shine than set, cause then I have a hope for a tan.
I have a bit on my shoulders and chest, but I think it looks more like I'm dirty. And IR said, "Oh come on, look at your shoulders, they're all yellow!" when I complained about not having a tan. Right.

I'm about to have my thrid shower today.
Just need to get a few phone numbers off people via email.
I took the charger for my camera with me, but left the camera behind.
Took the phone with me, but left it's charger in Ireland.
Anyways, I bought a new phone and have an Estonian number now so... yay!

Oh oh, I also went to the library.
Some of the courses I want to take require a test.
I don't know what sort of a test, but I want to study something.
I got maths books, biology books, biochemistry and just chemistry books.
And some environmental books aswell.

I so hope I will be able to do something.
I must get into something.

And my "bf"'s talking about going back to studying.
He wants to become a science teacher.
Oh and he will most likely come and visit me in August so.. that should be fun aswell.

Right, off to shower and eat!

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