Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Power belonged to the best fighters

First off I'd like to say that this post is not a copyright ingringement.
I'll be posting stuff from a book and nicked photos off of Google, but it's all for entertainment.

Anyways, I went down to the library yesterday and got a book called Tell Me Why.
And it's a rather interesting book.

Gold is so easy to hammer and shape that less than one gram of gold can be beaten into a sheet nearly two metres square.

A 0,3-metre cube of Uranium weighs over half a tonne. Uranium is the heaviest element found in nature. A kilo of Uranium contains as much energy as nearly three million kilos of coal.

Foil is any metal sheet that measures 0,1270 of a mmm or less. Aluminium is so malleable that it can be rolled into sheets of foil as thin as 0,00508 of a mm.

What is a coral? A chunk of coral is made of the skeleton of tiny marine animals called coral polyps. The polyp's skeleton grows outside its body. When the polyp dies, the skeleton is left.

How are seashells formed? As said earlier the shell is a part of an animal, a mollusc. It's the mollusc's skeleton and it is attached to it by muscles. The soft animal can never leave it's shell. The shell is made of a form limestone and is built by the mollusc itself. Certain glands in the mollusc are able to take limestone from the water and deposit it in tiny particles at the edge of, and along the inside of, the shell. As a mollusc grows insize, its shell increases in thickness and size. You can see the lines of growth that are marked by the ridges that run parallel to the outer edge. The colouring of the shell comes from some glands of the mollusc that contain colouring matter.

Neon lights. The fact is not all of them are lights made by glowing neon gas. Other gases, such as helium, argon, krypton and xenon, are also used in lights. Each gas gives out a different-coloured light when electricity is sent through it. The colour varies depending on the temperature, pressure and electric voltage. Neon gives out a red-orange light; argon gives out reddish-blue light; the light from helium is white, yellow or sometimes violet; from krypton it is yellow, green or pale violet; and from xenon it is either blue or blue-green.

What is the Sphinx? Actually, it is a monster that was common in the myths of ancient people. The Greeks thought of it as having the head of a woman, the body of a lion and wings. The Egyptians thought of it as a wingless lion with the head and breast of a man.

Who were the knights? They were the highest class of fighting men in Europe during the Middle Ages. The high position was partly due to the fact that during the early Middle Ages kings and governments had very little real authority. A knight did as he wished, because no one else was powerful enough to stop him.

There's a lot more in the book. That's just what I found interesting.

Yestrday was a bit of a crappy day. Felt sick most of the evening and today aswell.
Haven't been able to eat anything. Think it's getting a bit better now though.

I'm gonna install Sims 3 on this computer now cause the brother wants to play aswell. I hope the computer can take the game.
Anyways, I'm off so.
Oh and it rained yesterday! Whoop! I saw lightning and heard thunder and all. First time in a few years. Although I think I heard the thunder once in Ireland aswell.

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