Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Don't make what is not your problem your problem

So, today we tried going swimming again.
I think I kind of got motion sickness so I told my father to pull over so I could get out the car.
So I did and told him to drive on and take the others swimming.
Said I'd walk home.
It was nice and sunny so I didn't mind at all.
So my father and his wife started going on about how I can't walk along the motor way all alone.
Like, seriously.
It was day time and not a long way at all.

And then the wife came out the car and said how I set a bad example to the kids in the car.
Said if she lets me do what I want then her little son sees it and thinks he can do whatever he wants.
Like, whatever.
I'm twenty fucking four!!!
I don't need anyone telling me if I have to be in a car or not.
Hell, will she come and stop me from having sex aswell cause I might set a bad example to the 11 year old boy?! I mean if she says it's okay for me to do it then it must be okay for the 11 year old boy aswell!

Anyway, I don't understand what the big fucking deal is.
I felt sick, I got out the car and started walking back home.
They could have just minded their own damn business and go swimming.

Well, that just means that I won't be telling them anymore of my business and I will definitely not go anywhere with them.

Other than that I got a bite today.
My first one.
I meant to write about it yesterday but forgot.
There's so many damn flying things over here that want to suck your blood.
One little fucker went throught with it today. On me. I killed the fucker.

What else.
Oh yeah, I think I know where my love of trees came from.
There's so many trees all over the place in Estonia.
Like in Ireland if you looked over to the distance then all you could see was hills.
Here it's trees.

Oh and I saw a house today that used to be a doctor's office when I was about 3.
I think it's just a residental building now.
Was weird.

Another thing, before swimming I was weeding with dad's wife IR.
She said that when I was younger I loved weeding with her.
She said when I was younger than 10 I used to make up poems and stories when weeding.
Then when I was about 12 I sang all the time and after a while that got annoying. :D
Well she said when you have to listen to someone sing half the day it gets annoying.

Well yeah, that's that.

Oh and last night I started missing Ireland.
I texted "bf" and told him to call me when he's finished.
He did.
I was asleep though and had to whisper the "hello" cause I'm sharing room with dad at the minute.
I think the "bf" didn't hear me though.
He didn't say anything back and hung up.
Then texted saying that he didn't mean to call when I was asleep.
Have no credit to text him now.
And my battery's dead and I cannot find my charger.

Yeah... off to Facebook now.
Had to make an account.
A lot of Irish people are on it.

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