Thursday, July 01, 2010


Had terrible nightmares last night.
Mostly about flying.
I cannot wait til I'm done with it.
I just hope I won't have some crazy panic attack.

Gah, it's so crappy I don't have money.
I wanna text/call people before I leave to meet up with them, but have no credit.
And I'd like to have a little get together, but have no money for that either.

Haven't finished packing my suitcase yet.
Have way too much stuff.

Oh and how fit is mister McSex?

I'll tell you. Totally fit.

Just watched a film called Kevade (Spring).
Loved it! :)
It's on Youtube.
No review on it cause it's a classic.

Oh, just got a call from the woman I'll be flying with.
She'll call over later so I can give her my stuff.
Said I can put my things into the black bin liner.
That's good cause I don't have to worry about an extra suitcase then.
Well, I was gonna put some things into a suitcase and then buy another one.

Well, I'm gonna go and play the violin now.
Got a playing bug cause of the film and I might send the violin with the people who are leaving on the 3rd of July.


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