Friday, July 02, 2010

The thing is K works with U's husband C

Well, unfortunately the woman never got here today.
To collect one of my suitcases, but hopefully she'll be here tomorrow.
I even found a bit of my own money, like my homecountry's money.
It's not much, but that's all I have left from the last time I was on holiday over there.
267 moneys. That's like 17 euros or so.

I also got a hold of my psychologist.
The thing is I can take out only a week supply of the antidepressants.
The psychologist talked to the psychiatrist so instead of me or one of the people I know picking up a letter at their office the psychiatrist will come to my house tomorrow.
Well, there's one letter for my GP in my homecountry saying that I'm on the tablet and been on it for this and that long. And one letter for the pharmacy here so I can get a monthly supply of the tablets.
Hopefully I can talk to him and he'll give me something for flying aswell.
I just want something that knocks me out. Completely.
I'll be sleeping downstairs tonight so I'll hear the door bell in the morning.

And then I also talked to a girl I've mentioned earlier.
She's the one I went out with one night last October or so.
I got a skirt off her and a top and shoes.
I left my trousers and boots at her place so hopefully we'll get the chance to swap the things.

And I'm gonna see my mother's friend U tomorrow aswell.
We didn't talk for quite a while.
Well since my birthday and then December.
She wanted to come over to my place on my birthday and I said I can't stay up long cause I needed to get up early the next day to go to Dublin to hospital to see a doctor.
And she got all offended and said it was a "nice" way of telling her not to come.
Then in December when I had my scope done I called her to see if she could take me home but she started all giving out to me and shit so I didn't bother talking to her.
Anyways I texted her the other day and she never got back to me.
I told K about it aswell.
The thing is K works with U's husband C.
And she said C's always going on about me and said I definitely have to tell them I'm leaving.
I said I texted the woman and if she doesn't get back to me I'm not gonna tell her anything.
K asked me if it was ok if she told C about me leaving.
I said whatever.
And today U rang me and I'm going over to their place tomorrow evening.

So... I dunno.
I feel kind of weird.
Kind of sad.
Feels kind of weird going back to living with my parents and being dependant.
I'll be looking for volunteering in my homecountry aswell.
I wouldn't want to sit at home all the time.
And possibly badminton aswell.
Hopefully some of the kids living in the small town my dad lives in like badminton.

Mh, talked to "Bf" today aswell.
He told me to do as much as possible during the time I have left here.
Er... I just sat at home all day today.
Well, to be fair, I had period pains most of the day so...

Yeah...Hm..think K's downstairs.
Will go and see if she wants to play cards.

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