Monday, August 09, 2010

I want Labyrinth and I want it with my brother!

Ahh... the weekend's over.
I can be on internet again.
Googling Kevin McSex.

Weekend was nice enough though.
Went swimming.
With Arno.
He's kind of annoying me though.
He's always like "when you will be mine then we'll do this" and "when you will trust me more" and "when we know each other better".
I really don't want a relationship right now.
Or any romantic/flirty male attention.

I wanted to buy a board game to play with my brother.
Arno butted in again with "we". Like, how we can play Dominoes at his place.
I don't want freaking Dominoes and I don't wanna play at his freaking place!!
I want Labyrinth and I want it with my brother!!!

And I decided to call my dad's wife IR my stepmom.
It's just better that way.

Oh and as far as men go, I'm interested in Tuljo.
Not as a man but just cause he's a really free spirit and I want to know about his journeys when he gets out.
He plans to go to England with no money so... I wanna know everything.

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