Monday, August 16, 2010

A Mcfly post

Home alone today.
Hm, might actually watch the film later on.
Was working in the garden for a bit.
Weeding the cherry tree bed.
Came home for 19:45 to see America's Next Top Model.
Then the damn TV wouldn't show the channel.

Rang the local school today and asked for grinds.
Had to leave my name and contact details and the headmaster or someone like that will get back to me.

Hopefully next week. Don't wanna leave it til too late.

Been googling a lot.
Mostly Kevin, but some Mcfly too.
This is what I found:

Credit goes to whoever uploaded the pics. I found them while googling.
Ermm....woah, racy!
Men are so damn selfish though.
Why do photos like that for gay men and not for women?!
I'm well surprised by Tom's body though. How muscly!?
And I don't understand all this whining about Mcfly's new sound.
Party Girl is a totally cool song.
That's a really noticeable progress.
God, they cannot be stuck in Wonderland for the rest of their career.
This new song is one of the few songs I've actually listened to and really liked.
Before I was just interested in the band cause I thought Danny was hot.

Oh dear.
I didn't mean to make this a Mcfly post but that's how it came out I guess.
My point is that the song is very good and I might actually buy the new album.

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