Friday, August 20, 2010

Yeah, was quite a nice day

Went mushrooming today. With my Dad.
We only got three mushrooms.
Dad said it must be too early to mushroom so we might go again after a couple of weeks.

Was nice walking in the forest though.
When I got out the car I was like, "Yep, smells like mushrooms!"
Too bad there weren't any.

Then we came back.
I mean we drove back.
I guess all this going to places business is for me to get used to travelling again.
Anyways, when we got back we went to work in the garden.
I was still working on my cherry tree bed and Dad was uprooting a stump.
Later we had a BBQ.
It was my idea cause I haven't had a proper barbecue since... I dunno when.

Yeah, was quite a nice day.

Hmm, oh and the whole family was home today so that was nice aswell.

Oh and last night my brother A got into a fight-sort-of-thing and this stupid old hag started mouthing off to my brother being all racist and shit.
I totally felt like going and straightening out that dumb bitch.
My brother had solved the whole thing though - he had told the old lady where to go.
Go brother!

Ooh and apparently this guy was looking at me today.
My Dad saw him looking at me, I didn't.
And there might be a chance that I went to the kindergarten with the guy.
I dunno.
Maybe I'll get to know him one day.
Actually I'd love to know anyone around my age.
I don't even know where all the young people hang out here.
I've seen a few younger ones but they're like... sitting there... outside their cars with music blasting out their rides. I dunno... maybe that's just what young people do and I'm too... old-behaving.
I don't really know anyone at all in this town.
Not yet anyway.
Even my stepmother told me that I need a friend.
Hmm, I know a girl's e mail address. Maybe I should get talking to her.

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