Monday, September 06, 2010

Becoming a feminist

So, I really cannot stand some things about men.

Why do women get paid less when they're doing the same (amount of) job as men?
Just because a person is male doesnt's necessarily mean they do more than a person who is female.
Plus, most women go home after work and unlike men who get to relax, they need to start cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes and clothes and other things. So, there's no end to working when it comes to women.
And here's the thing I hate most - men thinking it's a woman's obligation to do it all.
Like what the fuck?
If you're such a big tough man, do things yourself not get your woman to do things for you.
Like this morning, my father entered the room and was like, "Why didn't you cook breakfast?"
And I was like, "I wasn't hungry."
Like, why the hell do I have to make the breakfast?!
If you're hungry, make breakfast yourself.
And then he was like, "Why didn't you clean up the kitchen last night?"
And I was like, "Why didn't you?"
Then he was like, "Okay, I'll get the wife to do it when she wakes up."
I was like, "Pfft... women aren't slaves, you know."
Then after a while he came back to me and said, "Thanks for helping," all sarcastically.
And I'm thinking it's not helping when you have to do everything for someone.
Helping is when the person does something and you're doing a few bits here and there for them.
When talking about helping then he thinks he's the doer, but everyone else has to do things.
But he really is the "helper" who thinks helping washing the dishes is creating dirty dishes to wash.
So... what is he?
Plus, the title itsel - Doer - isn't much worth if the person doesn't do anything (/earn the title).

I'm not saying I'm a doer but there is no way I will ever be doing stuff like that for men.
I can do it with them.
I will never be taken for granted like this.

And I will never ever marry anyone.
A wedding is just a lure (with it's white pretty dress and flowers) to a horrible horrible trap of slavery.
Luckily for me, I'm not one for all that girly stuff so... thanks but no thanks.

And as I'm writing this, my father came into the room again and said there's a big pile of dirty dishes left (I cleaned some already, mostly my own).
And I said he can wash those himself and he asked me if I was tired already (sarcastically again).
And I said no and what is wrong with him that he can't wash them.
He just walked off.


I loathe this kind of attitude.

And another thing I hate is when men think women have to please them sexually all the time.
Like when a man is horny and the woman is not, she has to get him off.
They're like, "Oh for God's sake, it's not hard to do a blowjob or a handjob, it'll take a few minutes only."
And I'm like yeah, a handjob takes a few minutes only and you have two hands, do it yourself.
And then men justify their cheating with that - that their own woman doesn't want sex.
It's completely normal not to want sex.
And I agree that is completely normal to want sex.
I don't think it's normal to force someone to do sexual things when they don't feel like it.
And everyone's sexuality is their own responisibility.
If you want sex, you figure out how to get it.
It is not the woman's fault when a man cheats on her cause he wasn't getting any from her.
It is not the man's fault either, but it is his choice and responsibility.
He can either control his urges or give into them.
No one has ever died from lack of sex so it isn't vital.


llasunshine said...

Selle teise lause kohta nii palju, et ... ole siis nii hea, et sulle makstaks sama palju palka, kui mehele. Nt kui on kaks kokka, üks mees ja teine naine, ja mees teeb paremini süüa - miks peaks siis võrdselt palka maksma?

Sweet Kroshka said...

Ok, aga kui on kaks kokka, üks mees ja teine naine ning naine teeb paremini süüa ning palju rohkem kui mees, siis kuidas on õiglane, et naine saab vähem palka?
See on täielik eksiarvamus, et mehed rohkem tööd teevad.
See on ammusest ajast nii, et meestel on kõrgemad palgad kuigi nad ei tee rohkem tööd.