Saturday, September 11, 2010

Having a dick doesn't mean you're "the man", it can very well mean you're just full of junk

So, some people are impossible to talk to.
They either boss you around or don't say anything to you at all.

I was supposed to go collect one of my suitcaes today.
The one that I sent to Estonia before my flight.
And when I'm almost there I get a phone call from my father saying he already has the thing.
Like, is it so goddamn hard to tell me you're going to collect the damn thing!?

I'm absolutely not talking to him unless I really really have to.
Like, today would have been one of those "really really have to" moments, but he totally failed to communicate.

Seriously, some men need to get over the fact that they have man business.
Having a dick doesn't mean you're "the man", it can very well mean you're just full of junk.

At least I got my violin back.
I talked to the music teacher at the local school and I can start taking lessons there.
It'll be about 120 moneys a month.
That is very cheap!
I used to pay about the same amount for just one lesson.

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