Sunday, October 24, 2010

be miserable for the day and work on my forum all alone

Huh, so this morning had a bit of a weird start of the day.
Everyone in the family went to Tartu without telling me or even asking me to go along.
I wouldn't have gone anyway cause I cannot travel but it was super weird.
And I sooooo want to go to Tartu!
I haven't been there for like four years.
And about 4 months since I came back to Estonia.
Mmhhh... and on Tuesday I have to and see some woman in another town and this time I cannot go with my father, I actually have to go there alone by bus or train.
I will be freaking out!
I loathe travelling and it gives me such bad panick attacks.
Oh that reminds me I still didn't receive my important paper from my old workplace.
Get bent, fucks!

Yeah.. so I'm just gonna... be miserable for the day and work on my forum all alone.

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