Monday, October 11, 2010

The plaque of Youth

So, last night I got talking about being bullied.
It was with a girl on my forum.
And yeah...I discovered it s not so good to be all whiny and shit and be like "Oh, I was hurt!"
I mean seriously, I had my chance to stand up for myself and I didn't.
I let those people walk all over me.
I mean they were not in the right to treat me like shit even when I made myself an easy target but why the hell would they stop and think about me when I wasn't doing it.

And then I had a little chat with my stepmother today.
Like, there s a whole big bunch of girls on my forum talking about killing themselves.
So I asked my stepmother what to tell them.
She kind of scoffed and said saying stuff like that is stupid.
She said... basically... it s like, we don t live to be happy or to be on high.
We live to gain knowledge and to put the thing in good use.
So when you think life is supposed to be all sunshine and pink unicorns then when reality hits you you re "depressed" and talking about suicide.
Having "problems" is a natural thing.
And a thing really isn t a problem until you put that label onto it.
If you want to see a problem you ll see a problem.
The world doesn not revolve around any of us so we have to kinda move with the world otherwise there s depression.
Oh and if there are any obstacles then why be all like "Oh my god, it s all weighing me down!"
Not all problems are that important and need to be solved right then and there.
Start with one thing, solve it it and get onto another.
And if there s something that keeps repeating itself then the problem most likely lays withing yourself.

And then the kids who are talking about killing themselves - they say no one cares for them, not the parents nor the friends.
But it really isn t a one way thing.
If no one is showing you love then most likely you aren t either.
And mothers don t have the time to baby yous all the time.
They have to go to work, tidy up, cook and worry about money problems and lets their daughters be grown ups.

And I ve said that before that no one else can live your damn life.
You make it yourself and you live it.

I m so not preaching, just saying.

And where the fuck hass the aposthrope gone from my computer!?

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