Monday, October 04, 2010

Speaking of bitches and bitchiness

Okay, I gotta stop watching Friends.
I just cannot stand Rachel.
She is the most annoying and bitchiest character ever!
And why the fuck are the writers of the show shipping her and Ross so much?!
Like, I'd like to see what kind of people actually want their friends to go out with each other.
In most cases, it's like, "It's a very bad idea, don't do it" not like, "Aww, Rachel, you've got such nice hair, you're so not the cuntest ever person and I love you"
Seriously, like.
She is an annoying bitch and not funny or cute at all.
Like, why the fuck is she being such a cunt when the man has wanted her for years.
It's her own damn fault for being so goddamn stupid and not realising he liked her.

If you missed it, too bad, stop being a fucker and get over it.

Oh and here's another blog entry of mine, in which I murder the bitch.

Speaking of bitches and bitchiness - yeah I was bitchin' about the bitch but that's not the point - I cannot believe how terrible the girls in those modelling shows are.
It doesn't matter whether it's American, Canadian or Australian models they're all so evil.
Like, why on Earth is it anyone's business if some contestant talks to her friends or has had a boob job.
If it's so against the rules tell it to the producers or something, why fight.

Oh and I had one favourite girl in one of the shows but she was being an arse so I stopped liking her.

Ughhh.... Yeah, I'll try to make it to school tomorrow.
Think I have chemistry. Hopefully just one class cause I'm still stressed out cause of the father.

Oh and I want to get my forum done.
I have a few widgets that I cannot get working.
I've spent so much time on trying to get them work so that I can't be bothered to get them work anymore.

And then I'm kind of disturbed by all this Kevin McSex business.
Something is so unsettling.

Yeah, if I were to have McSex only if I married him, I'd do it.
But it's so annoying fancying some famous dude cause you'll never have him or even know him at all.
Like one time, I fancied this non-famous guy for about a year.
I never talked to him.
Then I got talking to him and he was the arse.
I could not believe I had wasted a whole year liking him.

Blahhh...I have like a million thoughts in my head right now and they all want to come out at the same time so I better stop.

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