Tuesday, November 23, 2010

generally I don't feel like it, so negative, it's just written on the spur of the emotion

Okay,  the following is a bit embarrassing but meh.
I tried to find songs to listen to but couldn't find anything.
I looked up new songs by Kelly Clarkson but there was nothing to be found.
Then I listened to some Celine Dion but I have heard my fave songs by her about a million times and I just wanted to hear something new.
Then I thought I'd listen to The Saturdays but I came across this video of Frankie sining in the studio and got the creeps. Seriously her "singing" would give me nightmares. And so I was put off of The Saturdays.
Then I searched for random non professional singers doing covers of pop songs but didn't find anyone overly good or exciting.
Oh and I even listened to one of Lady Gaga songs - yeah her own fault her videos are so goddamn long - I couldn't be arsed to wait til the song starts so I moved on. (On a side note - who seriously would take it seriously if a person in 3-year-old's Halloween costume made a statement about people being "monsters"?! Oh and just imagine Mark Knopfler for example appearing at some event wearing an outfit made of meat - you'd think he was coocoo so when Lady Gaga does it how come it's such a "Wow, what an artist!" moment?)
Yeah anyway I was so out of ideas what to listen to so I randomly thought I'd listen to Glee songs.
Yeah...the shame. Well, the songs are actually good, but the rest.... ugh.
And I know I said it before but you can never have too much of admiration, especially when most of the times I'm super negative about the show.
Anyway, Naya Rivera is t h e bitch!
She is so good.
I mean, not letting her sing more totally shows the crappiness of the show.
And like what the hell are Quinn, the Finn character, the goth thing still doing on the show?
They're useless characters and therefore just a waste of money as actors.
And whatever happened to the black guy that was in Glee club? He said like two words in the first season and totally disappeared in season 2. I bet he was the best singer out of them all.
Anyway, my point is that Naya should sing more cause she is super good.
Yeah, Lea Michele was good but kinda boring now. Mark Salling's a great singer but the character is a waste aswell. The only characters I like in the show are the new sports teacher, the main teacher and... that's it.
Oh and the actress who plays Will's wife - Jesalyn or something - saw an interview with her - she was super lovely but her character's irritating.
Yeah and since Kevin is all smeared with and dipped into all that Jenna-girl business is making me feel icky so he should just sit there and look as pretty as he can without that girl hanging off of him for once.
Okay, this turned out to be quite a negative post but whatever, I like Naya Rivera.
Go, bitch!
Yeah and generally I don't feel like it, so negative, it's just written on the spur of the emotion.

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