Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Glee Never Been Kissed review

Okay, I thought I wasn't gonna write about it but whatever.

Glee - Never Been Kissed.

Hm, I don't actually have that much to say.
Okay, the whole Kurt situation...
Just because the new school was fancy and some kids happened to be open minded doesn't mean there are no bullies in there. I believe there's a bully in everyplace you go, even one in a fancy pants school uniform.
And that guy kissing him...hahahaa..oh this sooo happens in real life. Not. Some people are homophobic cause they strongly believe in being straight and the thought of same sex business is enough to make them sick and there's no way one would kiss a guy cause they're actually gay themselves or something. And Chris Colfer...Golfer? Something something? is quite a good actor. I like him. And the new gay dude is quite decent so far.

Erm as for Finn and the blonde guy, erm...since when do schools have baths? And people who run baths for you or put ice in it? Damn, why was I never in that kind of school?! Ugh and Quinn is such a boring character! Okay she was pregnant, that's gone now so why do we need her again? And whatever happened to the baby? Just disappeared with some stranger woman and that's it? Of course, it's Glee I'm on about - it's only natural that something that doesn't make sense makes sense when in the context of Glee.

And from the boys to the coach. Oh dear, I'm sure every woman dreams of pitty fuck/snog! And the whole thing was strangely personal and unproffessional. Although I have to agree with tsome things in the scene - wonder if the writer was sober for the first time or maybe the other way round, under some sort of influence? - the one where Will said that high school is a crazy place and that teachers are crazy for going back into that invironment, something along those lines. (Ugh I cannot believe that I actually just typed high school instead of secondary school). Oh and the line "You're beautiful inside out"... I could see it coming a mile off.

And onto the Asian couple horny scene.
One word - gross.
Explanation, 1 word: Jenna-girl.
I definitely didn't wanna see her in her randy mood cause now I know what she's like with Kevin.
Ughh, think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
"Oh I'm so turned on right now" *shudders*
And about that - a recent magazine issue said that they both have been strongly denying their relationship and... yeah, how does that go? "We're so close and best friends" ? I'm convinced!

Onto Artie and Puck.
Yeah, Puck's not as tough at all as he's meant to be.
And whatever was going on with those cheerleaders.
I didn't get it.

Well, that was quite a bit actually.

Anyway, I just remembered something my belly dance teacher said and broadened her idea with my own opinions. Here goes the preaching: it's okay not to have any natural talents cause actually learning to be good at something with hard work makes you feel like you've really achieved something and since it came to you with such hard work you appreciate it more.

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