Thursday, November 04, 2010

Whatever, seriously, whatever, go PMS on your own.

My headphones just broke.
How am I gonna listen to loud music now?
I have only a little bit of money left so I better be able to afford some new headphones.
I could probably afford earphones but those are so crappy and sore.

Oh and the father is still being an arse.
He was saying that everyone else in the house has their windows closed and that I cannot have my window open. And he told me that I cannot live my life and that he needs to tell me what to do.
Well, first - I don't give a fucking flying fuck about other people in the house or their windows.
Seriously, I bet there's no other eejit in this house walking into other people's rooms in the middle of the night saying that they know best how people have to live their lives.
Second - I've told him this before that I am not and never will be what and who he wants me to be. I might be his daughter but I'm not his fucking puppet (and by fucking puppet I mean someone who he can boss around in a non-sexual manner). Seriously, I asked him whether I have to work in a saw mill like him for him to leave me alone. I am not gonna get married and have children and do some horrible job and be stuck with my fat, my father type of an eejit husband and bastard children! If this is the right way to live life by his definition then no thanks, I see you living it and I'm not gonna make your mistakes.
And if he wanted to teach me so bad then where the hell was he when I was like 5?
He was divorcing my mother - that's where he was.
Okay, he was in my life my whole life but he never did any bringing up so...sorry, buddy, but you're waaaaaaayyyy too late. About 20 years!
And I'm soooooo over the window business and I just don't understand how he can be such a bitch about the window. If the window was not meant to be open then it would be a closed window, one you couldn't open at all.
And like, then he's going on about how I don't think about others in the house. Well, what's there to think about? You're all in your rooms, why the fuck cannot you accept that I live in this house too and I cannot sleep when the window is closed cause there's no air!
Oh and I'm totally done talking to him and it's all because it's just not possible, he's always being a dick.
And he made a fuss about that aswell.
Whatever, seriously, whatever, go PMS on your own.

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