Thursday, December 16, 2010

if I actually went along then I'd stay there

One of my brothers is 11 and he wanted to buy some rocket things that are sold to people from12 and up.
At first my brother was going on for ages about me buying the things for him.
I said no cause I don't wanna be responsible if something went wrong.
Anyway, now he got the rockets somehow and he was asking me for matches.
He found a matchbox near a candle in my room.
I took most of the macthes out and said he can have only one or two.
Yeah, he got a bit huffy and didn't take the couple of matches.
Oh well.

And speaking of those kinda things, I was given a candle for my bday.
And I don't know what kind of insanely clever person attaches flammable decorations onto a candle.
Yeah, around 3 o'clock last night the flame went all whoosshh and massive (for a candle).
I put the whole thing into the sink and tried putting out the fire with a fork, water only made it worse.

Yeah... I might go out now...been indoors for quite a few days.

Yeah and my father's going to Tartu in a week or so and asked if I wanted to go with him.
Yeahhh...if I actually went along then I'd stay there.
I just cannot stand travelling!

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