Sunday, December 05, 2010

Just seen the cast of Glee perfom on X Factor

Oh well, it's not actually too big of a problem that I won't be in Ireland when they'll be there next year.
I mean... ugh, I'll just paste a link to one of my earlier posts: pretty women singing

The only good things about the performance were the witnessing of Cory Monteith's developement as a singer and Naya's cute fringe.
Gah, and it's so unbelievable how devastatingly can an annoying girlfriend affect a sexy man's sex appeal, for example:
Oooohhh, sexy Keviiiuuuugghhhh.....
Interesting choice of headwear. Ughhhhhh, green's my fave colour! What a slaughter!

Errr.... no comment whatsoever. Ever!
How are you supposed to perv over the guy when he's all tainted by this...ball of gleeful goo.
She comes across as this damn goody goody two shoes and it's really nauseating.
Seriously, we have a saying over here, "tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are"
And if Kevin can be judged by this little missy then he's mega gross.

Plus, just seen Bee Movie as well.
That one was totally bordering zoophilia!

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