Saturday, January 01, 2011

Plate present fail

Oh dear.
After being all excited about the fireworks I started feeling so guilty about it.
Think of all the damage to the environment all this stuff does?!
Well, at least I didn't light any rockets.

Oh and once again my present failed.
The plates were no good cause after I gave them to my stepmother she pulled out a bad with new plates she had bought. Ugh.
I had 6 plates and she had 10.

Plate present fail.

Anyways, I got a facescrub (cause I asked my stepmom to buy the thing for me), tights, hand cream and underpants. Totally practical and useful stuff.
Oh and a cup.

Well the plate business kinda shows me and the stepmother we're quite alike and know what's needed.

And I think it's actually time to stop eating so much and not moving enough cause judging by the pics that were taken tonight I look like a fat pig. I mean it's great feeling jiggly and round but I don't look it so it's time for a change.

Oh and no new year promises cause they're only gonna make me feel trapped.

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