Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I still love to eat chicken but

Okay, I'm most definitely not becoming a vegetarian just yet but as I get older the more I start feeling concious about everything alive.
For example I cannot fish anymore cause I cannot stand to see the fish dying.
The thing started about three years ago when I was fishing with my dad and when he caught a really big fish. He bonked its head on a stone to kill it really quick so it wouldn't have to suffocate to death. And the fish just jerked and started bleeding. It was absolutely horrifying. I didn't know any better so I told my dad to hit it against the stone one more time to make sure it was dead so it wouldn't be in pain or anything with its head bleeding.
And at one point we were fishing for little fish as a bate to catch bigger fish.
And while we were driving to another lake, river the small fish were in a bucket of water. And I was the one who had to have the bucket at my feet to make sure it didn't spill and stuff. And it was so hard to see the fish go belly up. Cause like if the fish is dead you can't fish withit, it's just a waste.

And I think I already made a post about it but last year I had to help my stepmother to cook chicken soup.
I had to debone the cooked chicken.
Oh my god. I totally felt like a murderer. There is no way I will ever debone a chicken again.
And we made the ever so tasty cheesecake the other day and we had to use three eggs and separate the yolks from the egg whites. Ugh.
So inside an egg there's the yolk, egg white and then some little whitish bits. I guess I always kinda knw what those little bits were but didn't really think about it.
Anyway, my stepmom went to get those little bits out and said they were the umbilical cord of the chicken fetus.
That grossed me out so much!

Bleurghh. Poor birdies. I still love to eat chicken but I don't wanna see it like dead and uncooked.
And it made me sign up on this petitions website. Well, I spend an awful lot of time on the internet, might aswell do something useful on it.

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