Friday, January 28, 2011

If you don't want gatecrashers don't throw a fucking parade

Had a massive, massive craving for crisps.
Eating sauerkraut now.
It relieves the craving a bit but ughhh...

Oh and I don't know if I already talked about it or not but I cannot believe they're actually gonna let Anne Hathaway play Kurt's lesbian aunt on Glee.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with all that gay overload?
I'm not a homophobe but seriously....enough of all this "in your face non-gay people"!
I mean Kurt's gay, Blaine's gay, Dave's gay, Kurt's aunt is a lesbian.
If people didn't fucking label themselves so much they wouldn't be fucking picked on and they didn't have to commit suicide.
And to really pinpoint homosexualism like that makes the gay people extract themselves from others cause they're taught it's okay to be different or gay or whatever the fuck they're taught.
If you really bring out the gay in you and show only that (the thing "you are" or which "makes you special/different") then that's what people will see and value and judge you for.
Plus Kurt is such a bad stereotype.
It's no wonder people hate gays like that. No one likes an attention whore.
If you don't want gatecrashers don't throw a fucking parade.

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