Sunday, January 09, 2011

You've proven my point just perfectly and spoken more about the illegitimation of the show than I ever could!

Oh yes!
It's one of those moments again when I'm right and I can rub it other peoples' faces.
Well, what would be wrong with Justing Bieber themed Glee episode?
I mean, isn't Justin a little kid who is passionate about singing and dancing, very much like... gleeks?
And isn't Glee about accepting people for what they are?
And isn't Glee just a big fat gay rainbow of lies?
Anyway, if the gleeks hate JB so much then they're just controversial bitches who think they're better than everyone else, firstly cause they must have a fucking name - gleek - to be different, cut off from everyone else and to top of it all they cannot stand the likes of themselves like JB.
Well done, gleeks, well done. You've proven my point just perfectly and spoken more about the illegitimation of the show than I ever could!

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