Monday, February 14, 2011

About Grammy 2011 Awards winners

First off, I'm so glad the Gaga didn't win that many awards. She just doesn't deserve to win.

And Bruno Mars!!?? Okay, I think I've already talked about him but if not then here I go:
Bruno Mars is just a sleazy pig who sings cute lyrics to get into girls' pants. And that's the truth.
Plus, he's a tyrant.
Okay, first off, what kind of a normal woman would be in a relationship with a dude who says he'd catch a granade or would lay his head on a blade? That persona is very unstable and suicidal and he doesn't need love, sex or a relationship, he needs a psychiatrist. And what makes it creepy is that he says he would harm himself for another person. It's very stalkerish. Can you imagine if you broke up with someone like that dude? He'd flat out kill himself. Hell, he'd kill himself if you didn't go out with him or wouldn't sleep with him.
And he blames the woman for not doing those crazy things for him. Well, I'm sorry, some of us are still human and have hearts and brains and we are not all tyrants.
I hate it when people demand other people to feel the same for them as they do about the others and if they don't they come from hell and are the best friends of the devil. Bruno Mars is such a shitty and disgusting douchebag.
And the other song where he sings about loving a girl just the way she is... well, isn't it just easy to sing "you're beautiful" to a model? And everything else just screams "I wanna shag so bad and I love every woman on Earth, please someone SHAG ME or else I'm gonna kill myself cause I'm so fucking desperate!"
Yeah and that kind of a man just won an award for stuff like that. Well done, America, well done.

About Lady Antebellum - um...yeah I heard the song once and thought it was good. But when I listened to it for the second time I really didn't care.

And what is this facination with Eminem? I really don't see him as a rapper and he fails as anything else.

Plus, my father has to be at least nominated for the next Inventors Award cause he invents new things to complain about every day. Like yesterday he started saying how the food in my room makes the room smell bad. The thing is I cannot eat in the kitchen with him cause he irritates me so much I lose appetite. I must eat in a different room from him. God, he is such a woman!

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