Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Glee Blame It On The Alcohol review

Well. It started off quite nicely.
They actually remembered what had happened in earlier episodes, ie them writing their own music. It must have been a first. Talk about learning on the go.

Anyway - the party...erm as I said in my earlier post I loathe anything to do with drinking, smoking and drugs. So again, I hated to see Kevin even acting all this kind of activity.
Other than that it was quite decent.
I liked Darren Criss' voice, Lea didn't fit the song.

Oh and some lines thrown at the party were quite amusing, aswell as some of the lines said when they had a hangover. And then it was ruined by Kevin cruising around with alcohol again. Gross!!! Ugh.

The song they sang on the stage there...sounded good. But as Will pointed it out that it rather glorifies drinking then yes, that is what it does. And so does the show. I highly doubt some younger people will be hearing any of that preaching about how bad drinking is when the song sounds this good. Glee fail.

Oh and I'm not sure about Heather Morris, I mean she looks nice and she can dance and all but she always looks kinda angry. But she is fit though. And she is waaaaaaaaayyyyy too hot for Artie type of guy. I'd ride her too though.

And I actually smiled when the Sasquatch pulled her dude away from Rachel. Which reminds me though - how are they like... outcasts and shit cause back in the day when I was something like it, without the singing and dancing, I cannot remember having a lot of guys to choose from or a bunch of them after me. If you're the underdog you don't have all these people to hang out with, you're alone.

What the hell was going on with the gray vomit?

All this Kurt, Blaine and Rachel business - Chris and Darren are excellent actors.

Right...I don't have much to bitch about cause it was a rather decent episode. I believe it has been the best so far cause it wasn't all childish, predictable an shitty. I think they should do more episodes outside the school/auditorium/choir room, their back and forth relationships and their mindless dialogues.

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