Wednesday, February 23, 2011

who picks the winners? Is it some idiotic critics or a drunk nation?

Okay, I know My Sister's Keeper isn't the best of films but how the hell did The Hangover win more awards than MSK?
This is insane!
The Hangover is like....about some idiots boozing and acting stupid. The character's problems are self-inflicted. It has a very weak plot, the characters are moronic and there is absolutely no humor in it.

And okay, MSK is not the best, but it totally deserved more awards or even nominations than what it got. Like, what has the world come to? If anything, this movie shows a very strong bond in a family (okay, the other two kids were left in the background but anyway) and it fucking raises awareness about cancer. I know the viewers cannot do much about it but like....what did The Hangover teach us? Get wasted and "have fun"? I cannot believe that people liked this shitty piece oh shit better or more what the fuck?

I easily would have given the two girls in My Sister's Keeper an Oscar or whatever big awards there are. Like, who decides which movies can be nominated or who picks the winners? Is it some idiotic critics or a drunk nation?

Anyway... I've been trying to download Justin Bieber's film. Just wanna see what happens in it. Erm...isn't that the reason why one watches films anyway? Anyway, it's hot stuff at the minute and I gotta see it.

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