Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Glee Comeback review

Oh here we go with singing saving lives.
If it's so goddamn powerful why don't yous stop global warming. And why in the world would the kids in Glee be against footballers and Sue joining the club? Again, aren't they supposed to love everyone or something?
Plus, if I were Sue I would have chucked the Sasquatch through the fucking wall and kill that bitch.
Oh and a week at the glee club will cure depression? Damn, I must join then and beat the crap out of all of them, except Kevin, I'll shag the crap out of him....that is the only way I can imagine a person getting rid of depression in the club.

Oh and what clothes are they wearing? Are they from the nineties or the catwalk cause normal people don't dress like that.

Oh and yes! I have yet more reasons to despise Glee - the making fun of Bieber. Oh my god, like Glee is so much cooler than Biebs, I mean it's got so much meaning and emotion and is the truest fucking thing in the world! It cures depression for Bieb's sake!

Oh and the Sasquatch bitch going, "This is actually a really good song and I'm a cunt" (okay, I definitely heard her say the last bit) shows the idiocy of Glee even more. Prejudiced fucks - crew, cast, fans - congradulations!

Ughhhhhh, kissing Sasquatch! Get the fuck off my laptop screen!

Were the orgasming girls supposed to be funny during Somebody To Love? It made me want to rip their clits off so the bitches would never know how truly crappy their men really are.

Okay, how can they say/sing "damn" on Glee? What about the target audience - all the three year olds who watch the show?

LOL, hate is not the point of Glee club. Okay, whatever yous call it - nature, essence - the thought stays the same.

Oh, now Glee and singing cures cancer aswell? Wow! Okay, all doctros retire! Or learn to sing.

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