Monday, February 07, 2011

Glee The Sue Sylvester Shuffle review - Glee makes me hate music, dancing and Kevin McHale: Glee sucks balls, fucking disco balls

Okay for whatever reason I've been sleeping for forever today, about 12 hours.
I'm about to watch the superbowl Glee and will be writing stuff down as I watch the show. There better be a lot of Kevin. If not...then I'm gonna sleep some more.

Okay...the BMX stuff. I don't like it. And I hear there's some sort of a competition, premier league, world cup...whatever thing going on here in Estonia. I cannot stand it when  people deliberately put their health in danger. I wouldn't mind if the fuckers took care of themselves once they got hurt but no...all the nurses and doctors have to run around for them. The same goes to all the drinking people, drug addicts and other extreme sportsmen.

The locker room fight - yes, please. This I like. Although, it looks and sounds more like a hot girl fight. Oh and I'm totally with the big guy...but I just know the writers of Glee will get him back and will do it in a really smug and self righteous way. I know I'm right. Oh and when you're a boy and don't have a girlfriend or when you're a girl and don't have a boyfriend you're definitely homosexual, that's what Glee teaches us.

Lol at the cannon dude - he's made to look a bit bummy but he sure has white teeth. Fail.

Oh so the football team is joining the choir. Dang, I'm so right it hurts! It's fucking perfectly fine to be intolerant, you asses. Why the fuck cannot people accept that? Glee is the fucking show that preaches about tolerance and here they are riding the ass of a single homophobe. Let the damn guy have an opinion, don't force yours on him if you're so fucking tolerant. And not everybody thinks singing is "cool" as the teacher said it. Fucking deal with it. Glee at it's best bullshit!

Sue kind of person does not belong in a school but a madhouse. But Glee is so damn noble it let's mad people be a teacher and shows it in a funny way while a person who doesn't like buttsex gets all the hating. Nice work.

The Thriller concept - okay I have no idea what Youtube video they're talking about or if it actually exists but if it does then FUCKING STOP COPYING YOUTUBE VIDEOS! It's not the first time. But I guess it shows how uninspired and talentless the writers are.

All this Finn, Big Guy, Sam business - that's right. Keep all your negative feelings bottled up. That's the way to deal with things. And yet again, them damn labels are thrown out there. Why the fuck stereotype this thing so much? If the show is popular and some idiot young people find the crap relatable then it's gonna make the labelling thing stronger and lessen the togetherness. How can the writers be sooooo damn retards that they don't realise it?!

Okay who the hell were the other footballers? I thought the team was in Glee. And anyway, here was the shitty self righteous shit. I mean, all the footballers in the world are the mean ones who hate gays and throw drinks at people. And the only good people in the world are fucking singers and dancers. My god, how amazing is Glee!? What valuable lessons are the viewers learning?!

Okay, I hope the Big Guy quits the damn team of pussies and Glee for real and will never go back.
Ughhhhhh, I swear Glee is so ridiculous it's making me hate Kevin McHale and I've totally loved him for years!

About Bills Bills Bills - okay, I love a cappella but this awfuly production has to go! It's totally over done and doesn't sound natural. It's like they're singing in a tin can. The beauty of a cappella is the beauty and naturality of the voices but obviously the Glee people don't know that since everything about the show is soooooooooooo fake.

About the football game and choir thing - I remember when I was in school and our choir teacher was yapping about how everybody needed to be in the choir cause we like..fucking represent the school or shit like that. Yeah we all got a piece of paper signed it and gave it to the music teacher. We quit the choir like that. I cannot believe the terrbile light Glee shows the sportsmen - if it comes naturally to them (like singing to the Glee fucks) then they wouldn't quit it so easily and they most certainly wouldn't be that weak and stupid to do a fucking dance number. How retarded can Glee get?

I bet the fuckers will win the game. And if they don't I bet they'll be like "the most important thing is that we stuck together"

Ahh, I almost got my hopes up that the dolphin was finally off the show.

Ughhh at Finn, Quinn, Santana and Brittany thing - Finn is the Cheese King. Period.

Oh there it was said - if you're not in Glee club and a fool for others then you're nothing. So all the people who watch Glee and have not been in the club themselves are nothing. And people still love the show and think it's ground breaking. It's fucking ground breaking alright, it's fucking ground breakingly stupid and evil.

About the Thriller performance - I bet all the people decide that singing is the base of all living in the world and don't really care that the fucks can't play football and they will win because of the performance. And then the Sun gets spazzy and starts revolving around Glee.

Awww...isn't this nice? The team is back together again. I might shed a tear. Of disgust.
Now I'm more than sure they'll win. Or again if they don't they'll have this big goddamn speech about what a great team they are and probably will sneak in the "being part of something special makes you special".

I bet there'll be slow motion and a few seconds til they score the winning points.
Oh my fuck, they cannot be serious with the chanting. I swear Glee makes me hate music, dancing and Kevin McHale - Glee sucks balls, fucking disco balls if you wish.

Oh no they won. How unexpected! I'm sure the damn bollocks speech won't be cut, it'll happen. And they'll probably say something like "we won cause we stuck together".

Well...the only good thing is...I know now why Dianna Agron doesn't fit the show. She is too good for this mindless bullshit. And that goes to show again how the people in  charge of the show have no idea what they're doing, wasting good talent on shit. Yous are not as good as you think you are and you're only feeding people what they want to hear but not what is true - societally, emotionally, naturally. The show is fake through and through.

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