Sunday, March 13, 2011

Card Of The Day - Abundantia (upside down)

Okay, I'm not feeling the whole upside down business! What the hell am I supposed to do then!? This card is meant to mean I have nothing to worry about and everything will be fine but since it's upside down I imagine it means nothing will be okay and I have everything to worry about. And also that I'm running out of time. Nice! Isn't it just so damn motivating!?

Plus, I had a terrbile anxiety attack last night. I just started shaking and my hands/arms were in cramps. Rang my mother to calm down cause I didn't wanna take any drops or pills. Found out my mother's dog is preggers and about to pop. Might get a puppy off them for my father's family. I dunno how the intercourse happened cause the female is a labrador and the male is a dachshund. Hahahahaaaaaa
Yeah, anyway my arms are all sore from cramps last night. Ughhhhh!

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