Thursday, March 31, 2011

I better not be suffering cause of it

Okay, last night I discovered that I'm all out of my antidepressants. And when I went to the pharmacy today the woman there said I don't have any prescriptions either. Erm....right.
The last time I bought my pills, was two months ago, I know cause I had two boxes.
And back then before I went to get my pills I thought my prescription had expired and I rang my doctor to get new pills. When I got to the pharmacy the woman told me I had one box of tablets left from my old prescription. So I took that one and one box of pills from the new prescription, meaning I should have two more boxes left cause the prescriptions are for three months - three boxes.
Anyway because there is some stupid fuck up in the system I cannot take my tablet today either and I better not be suffering cause of it!
Ughhh...and I'm seriously getting fed up with not being able to eat. It sucks monkey butt so much! I don't give a damn about any anxiety or ulcers I wanna fucking eat!

Yahh....I'm back out now, to ride my bike. The ground is kinda crappy but the weather is lovely.

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