Saturday, March 26, 2011

life has turned into shit again

Well, my life has turned into shit again. What with being anxious all the time and able to eat.
My mother said it would be best if I went back to hospital but I so don\t want to becuase it feels like prison. And what is the point in going back if it doesn\t help. If it did then I wouldn\t be such a wreck right now.

Oh and what are the lifelines for when you ring on one of those numbers and nobody answers the phone? Well, eventually I got a hold of this man and we chatted and I told him my tranquillizers are not helping, they just make me sleepy and he said it's cause my anxiety/depression is too severe/deep.
Yeah and then I called the ambulance. Just to talk to a doctor cause I didn't want to be taken to hospital. Plus my little brother is over visiting me so I can't even go. I feel so bad about it though, I was too much of a wreck today to even cook for him, let alone do stuff with him.
The ambulance woman gave me some doctor's number adn I talked to her aswell but me credit went low so it was cut off.

Anyway, I'm full of diazepam and mirtazapine I'll try to get some sleep.

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