Thursday, March 24, 2011

I might have retarded babies and I have to pay for them? No, thanks

Okay, I'm really not feeling the feeling sick thing for days! Ugh, I got my omeprazole, so it's time I started feeling normal.
I just can't sleep cause everytime I lay down I start feeling so sick. I got about 8 hours sleep last night so....that's kinda good.

Anyway, my brother is coming over today so hopefully we can do stuff together and I won't be feeling sick. His birthday is coming up so I bought him stuff which he hopefully likes. Will see.

Oh and I heard the radiation from Japan has reached Finland, so I'm sure it's in Estonia by now aswell. Okay...I'm not happy with the Japanese. Okay, lots of people died and all but the rest of the world or the next generations of the world don't have to suffer cause of them. :/ And they want the rest of the world to donate money to them?! I might have retarded babies and I have to pay for them? No, thanks to both of those.

Okay, as a child I loved The Lion King but I've just seen the sequel and...well...I don't wanna say anything bad but it's waaaayy too violent. It was about revenge and killing all the time, so many negative characters.

1 comment:

ailen said...