Sunday, March 06, 2011

She should be locked away, in a bawdyhouse!

Okay, more complaining about Carrie Brainshag.
First off, I'm so glad Aidan left that crazy bitch. Aidan is the most normal character on the show.
Oh and there was  a great scene where the cunt had to apologize to Aidan. First! And it was like the biggest fucking thing in the world and while others apologize to her firs tthen she acts like a fucking self righteous shithead.
Oh and I've just seen another hideous scene where Carrie is giving out to Charlotte for not offering to help her out with her money business. Seriously, do we all have to be so fucking self righteous and idiotic and be mad at everyone we know cause they're not taking the time to live our lives and making our decisions for us? And she just stands there like a fucking glorious old cunt and shouts at the woman and goes into her shitty little Bambi mode again where she talks how she is the best and the goddest and the most hurt thing on the planet. Yeah and she rights and justifies her wrongs with other people's wrongs that have nothing to do with her. God she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo self centred it's DISGUSTING! She is a major bitch!
I've seen the end of the show and it totally ends the wrong way, that Carrie cunt is so stupid she should die alone. Seriously like, she does not belong among other people. She should be locked away, in a bawdyhouse!

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