Friday, April 01, 2011

Card Of The Day - Lakshmi

For some reason I've been in an exceptionally good mood today. Which is weird cause I've not been feeling the best and I've killed the Sasquatch about a hundred times in my head today but yeah...I feel great.
I thought the reason might be Xanax though. I've had to take it for the last two days since I ran out of antidepressants. I'd like to think it's just a natural happy course of things.
Plus me and the stepmother thought I might not have an ulcer after all, just the acid in my stomach is a bit of a bitch. Well, I don't really care what it is as long as I don't have it.
Anyway, I pulled the card to see why I was so happy today and well....looks like it's not just today, the future looks rather bright.:D Oh and about the aundance I got the couple of days before, well Lakshmi says to visualize abundance and be positive and my needs will be met. Wow, quite contrary to yesterday or the day before yesterday.

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