Friday, April 01, 2011

A whole lot of stuff

Oh dear. I came across quite a few articles about religious peeps. they cannot explain with god and what they call satanic is just their uneducation. Everything they don't like and what they call satanic is their intolerance.
It's sickening.

Anyway, other than that shit I found totally randomly some funny pages:
Animals who act like a boss
I'm not a particular spider hater person and I'm not particulary scared of them but when you're used to an animal/insect being so small that you could squash it if you felt like it without the thing being able to hurt you then it's kinda freaky when they are...big and venomous. So it's good to know that Laos, Brazil and Australia are the countries with the biggest and venomous little monsters:
Which countries to avoid when you don't wanna see those bastards?

10 things you didn't know about sleep:
1.What goes on when you sleep: your brain recharges, your cells repair themselves, your body releases important hormones.
Okay, but what if I have an ulcer and I cannot lay down and sleep cause of it cause it makes me gag? And I cannot sleep sitting up cause...I just can't. When do my cells near the ulcer repair themselves?

2.The needed sleep hours vary depending on your age:
Babies - 16 hours
3-12 - 10 hours
13-18 - 10 hours
19-55 - 8 hours
Over 65 - 6 hours

7. Dreaming is normal. People who don't dream normally have personality disorders.
Well, that makes me normal as fuck cause I have like... a whole lot of weird weird dreams.

I'm perceived as open, but truly suspicious and reserved.

13. You'll die from sleep deprivation quicker than food deprivation. It takes two weeks to starve, but 10 days without sleep to kill you.
How the hell am I still alive? I haven't been able to eat nor sleep properly for about three weeks now.

Okay, I seriously do not feel sorry people who die cause of volcanic eruptions or other earthly fightbacks cause of humans drilling the ground, infact I wish more of those people would die. Who the hell needs diamonds anyway?:

Well the article says "bizarre accidents but it sure sounds more like "humans are stupid. Period" "

Would you wear such a dress?
I bet Lady Gaga wears it as her nightgown.

Wow, does this place looks amazing or what?
Man, I'd love to go there. Very unique and out-of-this-world.

About pregnancy
Hehee....I've never seen or heard of anyone who has had this happen. Guess I have to wait and see when I'm preggers myself.

*Apparently smoking while pregnant may result in having a girl. I'm not there yet but I saw a chapter in my biology book where it was talking about how the gender of the baby is I'll get abck to this when I've read it.

*Women may poop when giving birth. Okay, what kind of person doesn't know that? Do they really believe that the baby just pops out while you sit there with your legs spread (or whatever the position someone chooses) and watch Sex And The City? I'm just very surprised they don't do enemas anymore. When my grandmother worked in a hospital where they deliver babies she said they do enemas.
*Oh and here's a link to phantom pregnancy that the dads may experience when their lady is expecting: click

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