Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Glee Born This Way review

Okay, so about everything is represented in Glee? Religion? Really?
So when most of the fuckers are christian and the only non-christian Kurt is gone every religion is represented? I guess it shows the state of mind of christians, as expected, that states that the only religion in the world is christianity and everything else is satanic (but that's still christian).

Gaga - the queen of self love? Again, really? She is the queen of copying other people's originality and selling records based on talking bullshit.

About Quinn not getting to be the prom queen - erm, so being overweight is the way to be but being thin and pretty is a crime and a sin? Just because you're fat, sing and dance doesn't mean you can be a fucking doctor or a president. Everyone has their own fucking place and some people are not easthetically beautiful and that's that.

About the Pretty/Unpretty business - okay I'm seriously not a fan of those twats sitting infront of the other Glee clubbers and making their sour faces while singing "over-emotional and deep" songs. (Not that there is anything wrong with the songs but it's just the context they're in)

Finn's "I gotta be meeeeeeeeeeeee" - too much Rachel Berry/Lea Michele in it, what with the raising arms and all.

Erm, who the hell cares what the Sasquatch has to say? Shut your fat face, bitch!

Dave thing. Okay, yodeling bitches, fucking accept everyone! Isn't that you motto or something? If someone hates you or treats you like shit as you deserve then fucking accept and love it cause that's what yous stand up for.

"I'm gonna barf" - yeah, that's what I'd do too if I had to live with that fat face every day.

Kurt's dad sucks monkey but. Since the beginning til the end of time. He can shut the fuck up aswell and accept that not everybody likes gays. It's his own fault for bringing up a son who is not able to stand up for himself. Douchebag.
A guy would never ever discuss his sexuality with his enemy. End of. And who the fuck is Kurt to tell Dave he needs to be educated. Not everyone's fucking gay and not everybody wants or needs to know about this shit, jaysas!

Yeah, Darren Criss is the shit. He's good. It's like Glee is an extra in his whole career and a passerby in his life.

Lucy business - okay so everyone now is an ugly duckling? Everyone is born fat and then turns into a bitchy beautiful skinny girl? And it's like a total scientific fact that everyone who is overweight wants to be skinny and pretty cause they're all being picked on and look like shit! Oh and that Lauren bitch is like so much better and such a lovely person for ruining other girl's dream to become the prom queen. I mean if you're skinny, beautiful and ambitious you're a bitch. But if you're fat and an amazing person (read: a cunt) then everyone must bow down to you and kiss your beefy butt.

About the councelling scene - okay, a therapist is not allowed to tell a patient about themselves. They have to discuss the patient's problem not the therapist's depression after birth and how she felt like the baby was a stranger. Who gives a crap about her? If you've got issues go get councelling, don't talk about your problems to your patients ant take their money for it, eejit.

Ahahahaaaaaa "I'm with stupid [arrow down]" on Puck. Yeah, do they're not accepting a person who likes to sleep around? Well done, Glee, well done! You're like a fucking walking cheesy contradiction.
Speaking of, the Sasquatch should've worn a shirt that says "I was born" or "Rode an inappropriate partner".

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