Thursday, April 07, 2011

It's not my fault I'm so sensitive to all this

Okay, I just learned that there was a magnetic storm yesterday. Which would explain why I felt like shit. Plus it would explain why I got the Earth card yesterday.
And...I really respect my stepmother and believe in everything she says...and today she said I might have psychic sense. It creeps me the hell out. She has said before that I seem to be very sensitive towards Earthly happenings. And when I did the energy cleansing course, the man/teacher told me that I was "ingenious" and very sensitive towards energies.
Speaking of all that, I've been meaning to do an energy cleansing session on myself but something has held me back. I think it's the fear of making myself feel worse or getting in strong contact with my energy. I kinda sounds spooky even when I believe in energies as natural, scientific things.

Right....I'll read the cards to my stepmother now, take a shower and maybe do my own cards then.

Oh and apparently there's a bigger storm acoming and Japan had the second earthquake...ugh, I mean yeah it's sad they're all suffering and shit but why the hell do I have to suffer? It's not my fault I'm so sensitive to all this.

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