Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I've had enough of those Y chromosome motherfucking retards

So my father was lovely enough again to come and preach.
I'm so sickened by his repulsive chauvinism and sexism!!!!!!
I'm forever asking my stepmother to tell me what to do in the household to help her and she says she'll tell me when she needs help. And here is my father again telling me to help her. I told him I wasn't gonna do anything because he tells me to, I only do things the stepmother tells me cause she is the boss no matter how much the father believes he is. He really is the typical man that comes home from work and does fuck all. And then complains how my stepmother has to do everything. I told him she goes to work aswell and doesn't get to sit and relax at home cause nobody does anything. And that very same thing he told me aswell, plus he once said (about me) when there's a woman in the house the place has to be spotless. So I asked him why isn't he doing anything and he was like "I'm not doing anything? I'm not doing anything!?" And then he went on to rant about how everyone gets food and shelter with his money. And I was like okay but the stepmother does exactly that, goes to work but when she comes home she doesn't get to relax. And my father thinks I'm supposed to help her cause I'm a woman. I asked him what would happen if I didn't live here, would she have to do everything herself. And he said no, then we (him and my brother) would help her. Seriously, fuck him with his sexism and chauvinism!!! I'm never gonna do what he tells me to do (or in his words he asks me).
Ugh, I just hate how everyone's stuck in this stupid stereotype of people, like when you're a woman you're a fucking housewfie with no personality, opinion and mind. A woman is just a machine men fuck when they feel like it. And you fucking have to shag the prick cause you're a woman. And when you're 25 you have to be half way through your big successful career, have a 30 000 acre land, a 5 million euro house, 5 kids and a fucking king who you fucking worship while he sits on his pricky throne and bosses bitches around and farts his damn ass off and picks on his bellybutton fluff. FFFFUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WILL NEVER EVER GET FUCKING MARRIED OR DO ANYTHING FOR ANY MAN. EVER!!! EVER!!!! NEVER FUCKING EVER! They can all suck one another's cocks and fucking die, shitty pricks! I swear my next partner will be a woman, I've had enough of those Y chromosome motherfucking retards.

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