Wednesday, April 06, 2011

nibble on bitches while snacking

Okay, had crisps yesterday and was up most of the night cause I felt sick.
I figured I feel sick as it is so a pack of crisps shouldn't make a difference. Well, it didn't really, I just couldn't sleep more so than some other nights.
And...yeah...thanks to all this shit I haven't been able to study at all and it's worrying me. Ughhhh....

Plus, I cannot wait til the new look for the forum is done so I can finally get the fuck away from that place. I swear...I feel crappy as it is I don't need all this teenage shit in my life and my own teenage years are faaaaaarr behind me. And I cannot believe there were days when I wanted a job that involved working with young people. Never ever will I do anything like it! For real. I don't even understand how the parents put up with all of that crap. I'd kick the kid out of my home and be like, "Go spazz on your own, you possessed bitch". Disgusting! I don't even understand how the humankind is still around cause people like that totally eat other people for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper and nibble on bitches while snacking. It's absolutely unbelievable and revolting. People like that should be put in jail not murderers, burglars, rapists and other criminals. Well, seems like that's what schools are for., I started knitting these little booties for a family friend's baby. I think the piece is knitted too loosely. Oh well, will see how it comes out.

Off to take a shower now and then try to read/study, knit and read the books I got from the library yesterday.

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