Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I have never ever let myself down like that ever in my life

So everything was going great. I didn't feel nervous about my exam today at all. Never ever. Not once cause it was an English exam.
I got up at six and was like... cool.
Then I took my brother's bike and went to Tartu.
Had to go to my mother's workplace first to print out the examination paper thingy.
I was not nervous! I was like, "Blah, English!".
And I was a little late for the exam. But I made it.
First my pen wouldn't work.
Then asked the girl next to me for a pen. It stopped working.
Asked her for another pen and it stopped working.
Then asked one of the examination ladies for a pen, that worked.
The first task was to write a letter and an essay.
How fucking easy!?
I was doing so great with the essay and I was a bit taken aback cause I couldn't remember how to close off a formal letter but whatever. I could've just written "Yours sincerely" and lose a point or something BUT.
For whatever idiotic reason I got an anxiety attack and it totally made me lose concentration so I gave the ladies my paper and walked out. I never got write the letter and had about a hundred word essay (200 was needed). I told them I got an anxiety attack and couldn't do it. They tried to get me to stay for the second half - grammar - aswell but I was there for the points and if I knew I had handed in a half arsed essay and no letter that I'm very much capable of writing then the grammar bit wouldn't have helped me.
So everything sucked monkey butt!!
I have no idea why I freaked out. It's fucking English! I can do English! Fucking blindfolded if I have to. I swear!!!!! I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disappointed. I have never ever let myself down like that ever in my life.
And this has made me very weary about the other exams cause...for those I have to study a lot. Read a lot of books and remember lots of stuff. If I couldn't do English then how the fuck am I supposed to do those?! I hate this stupid anxiety so much!! Will it fucking ever give it a rest?! And my mother said if I'm like that then I won't be able to cope with the the pressure and the amount of stuff to study in university and that is the only goal in my life right now. If I don't have that, I have nothing. Nothing to live for. Cause If I cannot study then I sure as hell cannot hold down a job cause of the fucking anxiety.

Well, I didn't really feel like hanging around Tartu much cause I was in a crappy mood after that. And I didn't want to make my stupid body and mind happy by buying things for myself. Like chocolate and a camera. Fuck this body, I'm not taking it out on Tartu if it acts like that.

Yeah and then I rode home. Up the wind! Fifteen fucking kilometres!

Yeah so....played a bit of piano/keyboard. Fed the puppies.Oh four of them have been "booked". And my Kevin is so popular. Several people have called in and wanted him. He's adorable though.
I thought I'd take one of the pups in again to cuddle but when I fed them indoors three of them managed to poop on the floor.

Actually my mother's man might buy me a camera. I talked to him on the phone and said he can buy me one cause he knows the stuff better than I do.
Yeah so....actually I'll go and get one of the puppies and watch some happy film to cheer me up.

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