Monday, May 02, 2011

You're just like us

Okay, I don't wanna brag too soon but I think I quite like living with my mother.I get on with the brother quite well. Well...kinda. I mean I made him cry today but whatever. (He didn't hoover the floor properly and I turned off his computer so he'd concentrate on the floor not his game and he started crying).
The one thing I like is that my mother's family all like cold rooms. I mean woohoooo!!!! She said I can keep the window open and when I told her I like a cool room with fresh air she said, "You're just like us".
Hopefully I'll be able to go to Tartu tomorrow and shop for a bit. I wanna buy a new camera.

And another thing, my brother had a keyboard that's now upstairs. I plan to make it a music room, along with my violin. I already played a bit on the keyboard but the brother said I was giving him a headache. Oh my room is upstairs!. The house itself looks a little shabby but it's still our own and we own a forest! Hell yeah!

So I was suppose to be upstairs by my self but I feel a little scared. Um, I've seen one too many ghost films. So my brother will move upstairs aswell. Tonight he's sleeping in my room with me.
Oh and I hate unpacking. So many clothes and so much of other stuff.

Right so, I'm off to bed soon. I might go and do an exam tomorrow, I'll see how my anxiety is in the morning.

On the side note: I cannot believe how many USA supporters there are on my forum, the amount of people who believe 9/11 was a terrorist attack. But then again a lot of them think you can get pregnant when kissing so... Gullibility is the word.

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