Monday, May 02, 2011

America Shamerica

Okay Bin Laden is dead. Wasn't he dead like.... years ago?
And the article I read said that Obama had said that 3000 American soldiers were dead cause of him. Oh dear, what a catastrophy! Maybe if America had kept its fat big nose out of other country's business the men would be alive!? Unless America had decided to bomb itself one more time and blame it on the rest of the world again. And seriously all of the people and animals USA has killed really isn't that big of a deal compared to the three thousand dead American soldiers! One dead American equals about tens of thousands other unimportant dead nationalities. If you're not American you're the scum of the Earth.
Urghhh, America disgusts me at times like these. I really hope there will actually be a terrorist attack in America and that they will succeed and will take down the horrible dictator.
Oh and when there's the solar storm then I'm not that bothered at all about big cities suffering. Isn't that what America has? Okay, you cannot live on things like that. You have to depend on nature not fucking America and it's technology. I bet it's not the solar storm that will kill us, or the volcanoes or earthquakes and tsunamis, it will be USA.

Yeah enough of talking about shit.
Yesterday was quite an interesting day. I had my very first ride on a scooter and I chopped wood.
Oh and the weather has gone cold again and there is no heating in my mother's house so I was freezing during the night.

And we very actively are trying to get rid of our puppies. I've been making ads and shit all day long today.

Yeah...will go out for a while with the brother now.

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