Sunday, May 01, 2011

I made it to Tartu this time.

Okay. I made it to Tartu this time. On my own. Almost.
Before I developed anxiety when riding a bike but luckily I got rid of it the day before coming to Tartu.
I couldn't sleep all night so I finally got up at three and tried to eat a little and write down the destinations/place names to know where to go on my way.
At about half four I started moving.
About 30 km from Tartu I got really tired and hungry and had a bit of an anxiety attack.
Luckily there was a gas stations and I got some food there.
Yeah and then at about 11 km to Tartu I gave up and waited for my mother to come and pick me up.
Yeah and she came with her man. And I was freaking out about being a in a car so I totally missed Tartu. Oh well.
Anyway we finally got to my mother's place outside the town and....everything's cool.
I was like.....EXHAUSTED yesterday. So tired and felt like shit. Had a fever and my face was burned. I never even noticed when it was so hot and sunny out cause most of the time when I was riding it was freezing cold, especially around sunrise.
Oh and we got to my mother's house around...1 or 2 took me about 8 or 9 hours to ride 90 km.
All of my stuff is still at my dad's place but the mother and her man went to visit someone in Viljandi today and will go to my dad's place aswell to collect my stuff. I really miss my laptop! I mean we have like two desktop computers here and one laptop but I still want my own. Oh and the internet connection here is unbelievably slow.
Yeah and my mother has 7 dogs. A Labrador, a German Shepherd and 5 pups. Plus one of the neighbour's dogs is always walking around on our land. And fuck, the neighbour's dogs a weird. Like yesterday the other dog they have was trying to hump a cat! Seriously!? And it bit the cat so hard it had cat fluff all over it's face. I guess today when the parents get back home I'll be putting my stuff in the closets and... that's it. I still feel a bit poorly, think I have a fever and my body is a little stiff (not as bad as I thought it would be).
Oh and me and my brother, we have to work outside a little today. There are lots of mole burrows where we grow trees so we have to... get rid of them. The burrows not the moles.

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